Sinti and Roma in the Ravensbrück concentration camp
Contribution of the Education Forum against Antigypsyism and the Ravensbrück Memorial
With our video „Sinti and Roma in the Ravensbrück concentration camp“ we want to commemorate and honor Sinti and Roma and all other victims of National Socialism. The video provides information about the Sinti and Roma-prisoners of Ravensbrück concentration camp from different perspectives. Carman Marschall Strauss, staff member of the Educational Forum against Antigypsyism, gives testament of the persecution of her family during the Nazi-era. Dr. Andrea Genest, Director of the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum gives on overview, while Dr. Sabine Arend, Head of the Repository of the Memorial Museum, specifically talks about one object in the Memorials collection connected to Sinti and Roma in the camp. Janka Csepregi commemorates Magdolna Hodosi, a hungarian Romni, who was deported to Ravensbrück, whose recollections of the imprisonment at the Ravensbrück camp Janka Csepregi translated to German for the first time.
Video chapters:
- Carmen Marschall-Strauss, Educational Forum against Antigypsyism: Commemorating the victims – the history the Höllenreiner family
- Dr. Andreas Genest, Director of the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum: Sinti and Roma in Ravensbrück concentration camp – an overview
- Dr. Sabine Arend, Head of the Museological Services of the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum: A teddy bear and its history
- Janka Csepregi, Voluntary Social Year, Educational Services of the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum: “How I survived”. Magdolna Hodosi
Narzędzia edukacyjne i miejsca nauki

The Encyclopaedia of the Nazi Genocide of the Sinti and Roma in Europe
the first comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge on the persecution and murder of the Sinti and Roma under National Socialism and during the Second World War (1933–1945) – The Learning Website
The genocide committed against European Roma and Sinti during the National Socialist era

Sinti_zze und Rom_nja in Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
Persecution, memory and self-assertion
Online portal about the Holocaust of the Sinti and Roma

Sinti and Roma in the Ravensbrück concentration camp
Contribution of the Education Forum against Antigypsyism and the Ravensbrück Memorial – The Genocide of the Roma & the Roma Identity
A web-based collection of video/audio podcasts and educational resources – a virtual exhibition about the life stories of Holocaust survivors
The life stories of nine Sinti and Roma children who survived the Holocaust

Right to Remember
A handbook for education with young people on the Roma Genocide

Elses Geschichte
Interactive online learning site

Places of memory – Places of Learning
History and stories – learning and locating