Ternipnasqo ondipe Dikh He Na Bister 2014 and-o Auschwitz-Birkenau, o terne e József Forgács-eça (1935-2018), jekh Ungariaqo Rrom praʒivdo e genocidesqo; fòto: Márton Neményi.
Maśkarthemutno Seripnasqo Ondipe e Ternipnasqo
DIKH HE NA BISTER – iniciatìva vaś o Seripe e rromane genocidesqo mobilisarel sarkon berś xiliàda terne rroma aj gaʒe pe sa i Evròpa trujal o 2-to August - O Evroputno Dives e rromenqe genocidesqe seripnasqorro - vaś te anen anglal o seripe, o pinʒaripe aj i edukàcia pal-o genocìdi e rromenqo.
DIKH HE NA BISTER si jekh than siklovipnasqo pal o nakhlipe, aj vi vaś dipe godi pal i ròla e ternenqi k-o seripe e genocidesqo. I iniciatìva putrel dialògaj personàlo maladipe maśkar o terne aj o praʒivde e genocidesqe. Lenqe gevajimàta den ilo e participanten sar te keren ćekat anglal o avdisutne problème e antisiganismesqe, aj aver fòrme e rasismesqe.
DIKH HE NA BISTER symbolizes for many young Roma the power of youth to write their own history. In the last few years, remembrance and recognition of the Roma genocide have become a key element of the Roma youth movement in order to restore dignity and to strengthen the identity-building of young Roma.
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Roma genocide on 2 August 2014, DIKH HE NA BISTER gathered over 1,000 young Roma and non-Roma from 25 countries in Krakow and Auschwitz-Birkenau. This mobilization greatly contributed to the recognition of 2 August as European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day by the European Parliament in 2015.
DIKH HE NA BISTER del zor e ternen ande lenqo maripe vaś vortipe aj barabaripe. O aktivitète e seripnasqe aj komemoraciaqe naj sadaj k-o maśkarthemutno ondipe k-o 2-to August and-o Auschwitz-Birkenau aj and-o Krakow, no vi k-o but lokàlo iniciatìve pe sa i Evròpa. Partikular, grùpe ternenqe uśaren jekh mesàźi resistencaqo aj zoraripnasqo k-o “Dives e rromane rezistencaqo” p-o 16-to Maj.
DIKH HE NA BISTER śirdias kotar i Maśkarthemutni Drakhin e Rromane Ternipnasqi ternYpe aj laqe organizàcie somdasne and-o 2010, aj si organisardo khetanes e Kulturalone aj Dokumentacieqe centroça e Germanikane sintenqo aj rromenqo aj k-i kooperàcia e Evropaqe Sombeśeça.
The international youth event Dikh He Na Bister was organized on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of 2 August 1944 – the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma – by the ternYpe International Roma Youth Network and the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma.
Funding and Support
The conference was co-funded by the ‘Europe for Citizens’ Program of the European Union in the framework of the project ‘From Remembrance of the Roma Holocaust to a European Reconciliation Process’, by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.
Dikh He Na Bister - aktivìsmo e ternenqo

Maśkarthemutno Seripnasqo Ondipe e Ternipnasqo

Education for remembrance of the Roma Genocide
Scholarship, commemoration and the role of youth, publication

International Conference (2019) about Sinti and Roma Narratives after the Holocaust

From Remembrance of the Roma Holocaust to a European Reconciliation Process
Project description

Expert Meeting on Holocaust Education
Berlin, March 2019