2 August 2020

Zilli Schmidt

Praʒivdi e genocidesqi

Seripnasqo vakeripe p-o 2-to Avgust 2020, Memoriàlo Dives e Genocidesqo vaś o Sìnte aj o Rroma

Mo anav si Zilli Schmidt. Som Germanikani Sintìca aj praʒivdi kjotar o làger e eksterminaciaqo Auschwitz. Akana si man 96 berś, no so cidinom and-o Auschwitz nane te bistrav nijekhvar.

Ʒi and-o 1939 beślom me familiaça and-o Ingolstadt. Odothe agordiom i śkòla. Amari familìa sas sasti ʒi kana avilo o Hitler. Jekh famìlia lośali aj laćho ʒivipe. No sar i persekùcia e nazistenqi zorǎrili, amen naślam: Anglal and-o Eger kaj ajana perel and-i Ćexoslovàkia, aj pal odova and-i Lorraine and-o 1940. Kamlam te ovas paśe me maj purane phraleça. Les akharde sas les and-o Wehrmacht aj sas and-i Frància.

No vi and-i Lorraine na sàmas sarbarr kotar o Gestapo. Masarda man o Gestapo and-o 1940. Dikhlom but kàmpǎ aj phandlimàta odothe. Agore deportuinde man and-o kàmpo k-o Lety kaj si akana and-o Ćèxikani Republìka. Odova sas jekh baro kàmpo koncentraciaqo vaś o Sìnte ta o Rroma. Dènas amen but cèra xabe aj savaxt sàmas bokhale. But amare manuśenθar mule, majbut o tikne. Jekh var areslom te naśav, no astarde man palpalem.

And-o agor deportuinde man k-o Auschwitz-Birkenau. Sas and-o Mars 1943. I sèkcia e kampesqi vaś o Sìnte aj o Rroma àkeso vazdine la othe. Sòmas kotar o anglune Sìnte save sas bićhalde and-o kàmpi e eksterminaciaqo. Normal, atòska na ʒanglom kaj ka mudaren sas amen savorren. Cèra po cèra, paśpaśe sa me familiaqe manuśa avile and-o Auschwitz-Birkenau: Mo dad, mi daj, mi phen aj laqe efta ćhave, aj mi tikni ćhaj. Savorre sas mudarde gazoça k-o 2-to Avgust 1944. Na kamav te vakerav pal akava.

Man deportuinde sas k-o Ravensbrück jekh cèra maj anglal. Vakerdom jekhe ʒuvlǎça kotar i Pòlska savi sas and-o Auschwitz k-o 2-to Avgust. Oj phenda manqe kaj sa o Sìnte aj Rroma and-o Auschwitz sas mudarde. Jekh cèra berś maj anglal śirdiom te vakerav publik pal-o Auschwitz.

Phendom manqe: "But cèra ʒene aćhile save pinʒarde o Auschwitz. Sar jekh kotar o palutne praʒivde, akana si mi dutǐ te mothovav so nakhlom." Ʒi avdives, but cèra manuśa ʒanen so kerde o nazìstura e Sintenqe aj e Rromenqe. Sode te śaj, ka mothovav o ćaćipe pal-o Auschwitz.

Darav kaj sa so cidinom ka ovel palpalem. Dikhav palem akana sar o manuśa si avrićhudine aj persekutome kotar lenqi etnikani origìna. Dikhav kaj ande but thema o manuśikane hakaja si uśtavde.

No dikhav vi bute manuśen, majbut ternen, save keren sa so śaj te promovuin i demokracìa aj o manuśikane hakaja. Akana si and-o vasta e terne generaciaqe: Te na mukhen nujekh var te ovel palpalem odova vaxt!


Zilli Schmidt (*1924) comes from a family of German Sinti. In the “Zigeunerlager” in Auschwitz-Birkenau, she succeeded in rescuing her relatives through theft and contacts with prisoner functionaries in 1943/44. But in the night of 2 August 1944, her four-year-old daughter Gretel, her parents, her sister with her six children and numerous other relatives were murdered. On the same day, the SS sent Zilli to Ravensbrück for forced labour. Zilli managed to escape. At the end of the war, she only found her two brothers again. After an moving life, she only began to talk about her history a few years ago.

Mothovimàta e genocidesqe praʒivdenqe

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