photo: Jaroslaw Praszkiewicz

The Destruction of European Roma in KL Auschwitz

A guidebook for visitors

The Association of Roma People in Poland has published the first guidebook for those visiting the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau, devoted to the Roma prisoners of KL Auschwitz. The guidebook, titled “The Destruction of European Roma in KL Auschwitz,” presents a historical outline of the genesis and course of the Nazi persecution of Roma as well as a richly illustrated by the photographic material description of the sites mostly related to the fate of the Roma prisoners deported to KL Auschwitz. The guidebook refers to the newest historical findings about the destruction of Roma in the camp and presents the life and death of the Roma from the perspective of prisoners and with reference to their testimonies.

The guidebook can be purchased in the bookstores of the Museum, the Association of Roma People in Poland, 5 Berka Joselewicz Str., 32-600 Oswiecim and order at the address:

Sinti and Roma in Auschwitz

Sign of Block 11; photo taken by Jaroslaw Praszkiewicz.

Block 11

Extract from “The Destruction of European Roma in KL Auschwitz: A guidebook for visitors”

Photo of flower in front of barbed wire fence taken in Auschwitz-Birkenau by Jaroslaw Praszkiewicz.


Extract from “The Destruction of European Roma in KL Auschwitz: A guidebook for visitors”

Photo of barracks taken by Jaroslaw Praszkiewicz.

The life of Prisoners

Extract from “The Destruction of European Roma in KL Auschwitz: A guidebook for visitors”

Photo of KL Auschwitz II-Birkenau taken by Jaroslaw Praszkiewicz.


Extract from “The Destruction of European Roma in KL Auschwitz: A guidebook for visitors”

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